Gyne / Bestbet is my boy....



Ban Teddy
Apr 22, 2006
Mods do what you want with this, it is not about promotion at all and all about me supporting my good friend Gabe who has been getting trashed on pretty hard the last couple of days.

I have been getting bombarded by people about Gyne and his role on my site and how he will bury us and we will go down in flames thanks to him being a part of my site.

The funny thing is these people all come from one of two places. You can guess who they are, they have both been caught ghosting on here to promote agendas and they have both been burned by promoting garbage books and having their players get slow paid or no paid.

The way they keep negative press off of themselves is by making Gyno their whipping boy. This is no different.

Gyne who is Bestbet on my board is a great guy and even though the trash from these two other sites are using this to try and get him fired from my board the exact opposite is going to happen.

I love this guy and while he may have had hard times here and on other sites and in his personal life COME ON these are message boards and we are here to share info and make money.

Sorry for going off, I just needed to voice my support as people think my silence means I do not support him and that could not be further from the truth.

Mods do what you wish with this and thanks for being stand up and shutting up agenda driven BS from guys like Budworth.

New member
Oct 18, 2005
I fully agree with what doc has written. gyn has helped me immensely with my handicapping and i have made a ton of money off his nba picks this season. he has been nothing but help to me. i'm real dissapointed with the suicide thread and the controversy over his record. It's time to move on, and we'll all be thanking gynecologist for his winners come football season
Jan 19, 2006
Thanks alot guys. Its nice to hear nice things instead of people
with agendas twisting shit up so they can feel better about themselves.

Had a great football season last year-looking forward to another
great season hopefully. Thanks guys for realizing all the B.S that
is being said about me. I have learned one thing, don't believe
everything you hear cause people like to twist shit up on here.

Thanks buds!!

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